Welcome to Fr. Ken Roberts Educational
& Resource Site.
Prayer is absolutely essential for the soul. Pray to our souls is like oxygen to our lungs. Without it we would die. Take time to pray to God with Fr. Ken through the rosary and more.
Fr. Ken had many gifts and talents, one of them being his knack for giving excellent homilies. New homilies are posted every week. Don’t miss out on some great spiritual insight from Father.
Fr. Ken Stories
Please help build the site by adding your stories of Fr. Ken of how he impacted your life and others positively. To do this leave a comment on the blog post “Stories of Fr. Ken” with your story and the name you would like to appear. It will be published once reviewed and credit will be given to the author.
Our Mission
Welcome to the Fr. Ken Roberts educational and resource site. The goal of this site is to continue the mission Fr. Ken had while alive of leading people to Jesus through Mary. To do this, we are creating this blog to help keep the simple explanations of how Fr. Ken taught the Catholic teachings of he church as well as stories we have of him alive for the time to come. This will hopefully continue to bring people closer to Christ. Lets help Fr. Ken’s quick wit and great charisma continue to lead people to Christ with his easy to understand teachings and analogies.
“Actions speak louder than words. Let your words teach and your actions speak.” – St. Anthony of Padua
Please help build the site by adding your stories of Fr. Ken of how he impacted your life and others positively. To do this leave a comment on the blog post “Stories of Fr. Ken” with your story and the name you would like to appear. It will be published once reviewed and credit will be given to the author.