Your donation supports content that promotes the teaching of the Catholic Faith.
Here is how your donation can help…
Donations of $25
Pay for 1 month of web hosting
Pay for 1 year domain name registration
Pay for 1 month of email management
Donations of $250
Keep the site going for 1 full year by paying for all the web hosting fee’s!
Keep email going for 1 full year by paying for the email fee’s!
Donations of $50
Pay for 1 month of software lease for digitizing audio, website design, creating new content and more!
Pay for 1 month computer lease that does is used for the creation and digitization of content for the website.
Donations of $500
Visual and audio computing is very intense and demanding, keep our PC running for 1 year!
Visual and audio computing requires specialized software, pay for our software for 1 year!
Donations of $100
Pay for 3 hours of audio consulting to improve audio quality for website content. This usually covers over 10 hours of audio content improvement or digitization.
Pay for 3 hours of design consulting to improve website aesthetics and design. This helps make the website visually appealing while maintaining navigation ease.
Donations of $1,000
Sponsor our current site setup for 1 full year!
Allow us to focus other donations towards cleaning up audio, design and promotion of the website!
We thank you for considering us and your generosity. Any offering is greatly appreciated and helps tremendously. Thank you and God Bless.