003 Third Sunday of Advent
Cycle B Third Sunday in Advent
New Testament: 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24
Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28
Old Testament: Isaiah 61:1-2
Psalm: Luke 1:46-50.53-54
Homily Theme
This is the third Sunday in Advent when the church lights that pink candle on the Advent wreath. Some priests will be wearing pink vestments as they celebrate Mass. If seeing a man dressed in pink doesn’t put a smile on your face, then you are not really a joyful person. The Liturgy this week is about rejoicing and being joyful. The church and the scriptures invite you to rejoice.
What are the things that would make you joyful? Winning a lottery? Witnessing a miraculous recovery from a terminal illness? Getting a new job? Hearing somebody tell you that they love you? What Christmas gift would make you happy and cause you to shout for joy? If you are a baptized practicing Christian you have won the lottery of an eternal life filled with joy. You have received a miraculous healing from the terminal illness of sin. You have a steady job of bring joy to others. Jesus tells you that He loves you and so does His Blessed Mother. You are going to live in eternal joy, rejoicing with Him and those you love forever. Doesn’t that cause you to rejoice and shout for joy? If you really believe that God loves you, it should.
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta was surrounded by the poorest of the poor, those with a terminal illness of leprosy and malnutrition. She lived in a country where the streets were filled with the homeless and the destitute, but she walked among them always with a smile on her face as she recognized Jesus in each one of them. She was very selective in the nuns that she allowed to remain in her communities. They had to smile always or they were not allowed to work with her as a nun. She didn’t want a sad representative of Jesus doing His work of taking care of the poorest of the poor and the sickest of the sick. All of her nuns were the most joyful nuns I have ever seen. That is what attracted thousands of Hindus and Moslems to attend Mother Teresa’s funeral. She and her Sisters were always joyful witnesses of their Catholic faith in the most distressing circumstances.
This Sunday as you celebrate Mass, watch the pink candle of joy lit and see the pink vestments on the priest. Put a smile on your face because the church and the scriptures invite us to rejoice. Don’t be a sad, frowning Christian representing Jesus this Sunday. Smile as you go about your tasks this week rejoicing. Remember no matter how bad things are in your life they are not as bad as the things Mother Teresa encountered. Do as she did and as her Sisters still do.
Let us Rejoice and be glad, because God loves us.