035 Corpus Christi


Cycle B Corpus Christi Sunday

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Homily Theme

The Real Presence

Last week we discussed the mystery of the Holy Trinity, this week we celebrate the mystery of Christ’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. Remember, mysteries can not be understood by mere human reason, that is why in the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus allows His first followers to leave Him when they can not accept that His flesh is real food and His blood is real drink. They walk away sad and follow Him no more. How many millions today have done the same thing? But, unfortunately, they are not sad when they walk away. Jesus is though.

The Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist has been a central and constant teaching of the Church since the time of the Apostles and was universally believed by all Christians. St. Paul taught it. 1st Corinthians 11:23-26. The original Reformers kept this belief in the Real Presence including Luther, Henry VIII and Calvin, even after the Reformation. Jesus is still truly present in the Holy Eucharist: it is not just a pious symbol. Make sure you receive Him with faith and reverence always.

Why is it easier for some to believe that God became a real man but limit His power to become real food, without which we cannot receive His life? I do not understand how radiation is present in radioactive bread and wine. I cannot taste it, see it, or feel it, but I believe it is really present when science tells me so. I do not understand how the bread and the wine at Mass is Jesus who comes to us in a Real Presence but I believe it because He said so, and I trust His word. Do you? Then believe it also when you receive it.

If you were to witness blood dropping from the sacred host this Sunday would that make it easier for you to accept this miracle? That is what happened in Italy, in the 13th century. A priest raised it for adoration as it dripped blood on to the cloth under the chalice. This same blood stained cloth is still carried in procession through the streets of Orvieto to this day. I watched the blood stains change from dark brown to blood red when I personally carried it the procession of the Blessed Sacrament there. It was an extraordinary moment that I will never forget.

Popes still process with the Sacred Host through the streets of Rome on Corpus Christi Thursday when thousands adore Jesus as He passes them really present for the Solemnity of the Feast. Here in America Jesus is waiting for you to come and adore and receive Him also. He is in every Catholic Church where there is a priest to consecrate the bread and wine. Will you be there to adore Him and believe in His Real Presence as you receive Him?


036 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time


034 Holy Trinity Sunday