013 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Cycle B 4TH Sunday of Ordinary Time

Old Testament: Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Psalm: Psalm 95; 1-2, 6-9

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28

Homily Theme

Hear His Voice

In the first reading this week, Moses warns the Jews to hear the real prophetic word of God and not the voices of the false prophets who claim to know and speak the truth. The false prophets bring death, not life. If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts. These are the words from the psalm response that we will repeat several times this Sunday. There are so many voices out there claiming our attention. Turn on your television and most of the many cable stations available for our viewing will be broadcasting the voices of the secular world and it’s value system. Let us try to remember Moses’ warning to the Jews about a false prophetic voice and discern it.

In the gospel today, Jesus speaks with real authority and the people are amazed at the power of His voice as He cast out evil spirits from the man possessed by them. In the Old Testament God’s true teachers spoke with God’s authority. For two millennia the Church has continued to do so as she speaks with His voice today. “He that hears you, hears Me and he that rejects you, rejects Me”. Luke 10:16

We have elected leaders for our country who have legislated the laws of our land. The Church speaks with a prophetic voice and warns the people about the abortion horror as the ultimate child abuse. She speaks with God’s voice when she says we cannot accept the horror of those voices defending the killing of babies in the womb. Life begins at conception and ends at natural death. This past week in Washington, a million, mostly young people, marched for life in the womb. It was the Anniversary of Roe v Wade. Was this covered by the main media? Only on EWTN, the Catholic channel, did we see it and hear the true prophetic voice.

Many have hardened their hearts and hear only the voices of false prophets. They rejected the voice of the Church and vote for those that will change God’s laws and give us new laws that will bring more death. We elected them in the hardness of our hearts because we did not hear His voice when the Church spoke.

In the USA, we have already destroyed millions of babies over the years since the passing of Roe v Wade. How much longer will God continue to allow this, as we continue to harden our hearts and hear only the voices of the false prophets? They are prophets of death, not life. Wake up America before it is too late.



014 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time


012 Third Sunday of Ordinary Time